One of the common eye infections affecting adults is epidemic/seasonal conjunctivitis. This inflammatory condition usually affects both eyes which become red, gritty and covered with sticky mucus discharge. The very term epidemic is used because seasonal conjunctivitis generally takes on epidemic proportions affecting a large number of people at the same time.
Seasonal Conjunctivitis - Forms of the Disease
Patients may end up with one of three forms of seasonal conjunctivitis.
The first one is inflammation associated with mild symptoms and signs such as redness of the eyes, slight burning sensation and swelling of the eyelids. There is also watery discharge coming from the affected eye.
More severe form of the disease is connected with intense burning, gritting and swelling of the eyelids. The eyes are covered with thick discharge which is abundant in the morning, causing difficulty opening the eyes. Such patients may also experience swelling of the lymph nodes in front of their ears as well as mild fever.
The most severe form of the disease occurs if the virus responsible for infection penetrates the cornea and initiates keratitis.
More about Seasonal Conjunctivitis
This is a viral infection easily transmitted from the infected individual to other people. Close contact among people, thick populated areas as well as polluted areas are risk factors for this infectious disease.
The condition is recurrent especially if treatment is not completed. Patients generally undergo treatment with several eye solutions and sometimes oral medications.
The affected eye is treated with boric acid. This solution is instilled 3-4 four times per day. Furthermore, vanmycetin eye drops can be quite beneficial as well as Ciplox and Oflox eye drops. Oral antibiotics are of additional help in more complex cases. Inflammation and swelling of the eyelids are brought under control with cortisone in a combination with Chloromycetine.
Apart from being caused by viruses, epidemic form of conjunctivitis may also develop in a form of bacterial infection, allergic reaction or be associated with application of local eye drops and ointments containing sulfa drugs, atropine or antibiotics. This inflammation is also possible in individuals who have come in contact with chemicals or been exposed to X-rays or UV rays or even heat. Trauma as well as specific diseases of the eye are also capable of casing inflammation of the conjunctiva.
Once an epidemic occurs, people must be familiar with ways of transmission and preventive measures. With proper hygiene and cleanliness one may efficiently avoid infection and all its potential complications.
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