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What is a hernia?

What is a hernia?

Hernia is usually defined as a protrusion of an organ or a layer of fibrous tissue (fascia) through the wall of the cavity that normally holds it. Typically, hernias develop...

Deafness and brain damage

Deafness and brain damage

People may be born with hearing loss or acquire the condition during their lives. In the first case hearing impairment develops before the child is born, while he/she is inside...

Endocrine system - Pancreas tumor

Endocrine system - Pancreas tumor

The pancreas is an organ located in the abdominal area of the body. This organ is also a dual-function gland, since it functions as both endocrine and exocrine gland, each...

Eye infections in cats

Eye infections in cats

Cats, similarly to humans, may develop eye infections caused by different infective agents including bacteria, viruses and fungi. Each and every case of feline eye infection requires prompt examination and...

Eczema cure ointment

Eczema cure ointment

There is no one type of eczema and people should know that it can develop anywhere on the body. Not all the symptoms and causes are the same for every...

Dry skin on face in winter

Dry skin on face in winter

Every person knows that dry skin is a common problem that only gets worse in cold weather due to low humidity. Every person can suffer from it. When a person...

Absence seizures facts

Absence seizures facts

Absence seizures affect about 2 of every 1.000 people. According to the medical terminology, absence seizures belong to the group of generalized seizures and commonly affect consciousness of the affected...

DHT blocker and hair loss

DHT blocker and hair loss

Dihydrotestosterone, or DHT is the main cause of hair loss in humans, being responsible for this phenomenon in over 95% of cases. Therefore, people usually try to counter the occurrence...