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Why do you need a massage certificate?

Why do you need a massage certificate?

By definition, massage is the process of manipulating bodily tissue in order to promote relaxation and well-being. Thus, through massages, people can get rid of pain and discomfort, becoming relaxed...

The American institute of massage therapy

The American institute of massage therapy

The American Institute of Massage Therapy seeks to promote high-quality massage therapy education programs with the aim of developing and advancing the art of massage. It takes seven months or...

Hypnotherapy hype: can hypnosis help you?

Hypnotherapy hype: can hypnosis help you?

Behavior can be changed with the help of hypnotherapy, which is becoming more and more popular. This treatment can be used for the management of pain, weight loss, quitting smoking...

Herbal remedies then and now

Herbal remedies then and now

Alternative treatmentsThe idea of visiting a doctor gives headache almost to everyone. People are usually too busy with their obligations, that there is not enough time for them to spend...

Ayurvedic medicine for weight loss

Ayurvedic medicine for weight loss

About Ayurveda Ayurveda or Ayurvedic medicine is an alternative medicine system originating from India. The term Ayurveda practically means “complete knowledge for a long life” and it offers a number...

Dialectical behavioral therapy

Dialectical behavioral therapy

What is DBT used for and what are its origins?DBT is short for Dialectal Behavioral Therapy. It draws upon elements of eastern philosophy (like Zen Buddhism and such), as well...

Skin problems and herbal remedies

Skin problems and herbal remedies

OverviewSkin is the organ that presents outside everything that happens inside the body. It is the biggest organ in human body, so usually it suffers the most. Skin also presents...

Expert hypnosis by phone FAQ

Expert hypnosis by phone FAQ

Phone Hypnosis?Many people start feeling strange once hypnosis over the phone is mentioned as an alternative method of this therapeutic procedure. Namely, they do not believe that such thing can...

Digestion yoga poses

Digestion yoga poses

Yoga is a traditional system of meditation and physical exercise that originates from India. Most of us today think about yoga as of a system of light stretching physical exercises...