Traditional treatments for back pain... which ones work and which ones don’t ?
IntroductionThere are a large number of people who suffer from back pain. There are also a large number of treatments available for the painful sensations in the back. There are...

How distant energy and chakra healing works
Subtletythat healsManypeople have certainly heard about the traditional alternative concepts such aschakras, but they have not ventured into the realms they symbolize. Bearing this inmind, they will certainly findadditional information...

Different techniques of osteopathic treatment
History of Osteopathy and Osteopathic medicineOsteopathy is actually a system of alternative medical practice and an entire philosophy founded by A.T. Still in 1874. This alternative type of medicine focuses...

Osteopathic medicine - Unity of all body parts
Osteopathy and Osteopathic Medicine Osteopathic medicine is a kind of medical practice characteristic for the United States that dates back to 1874 and its pioneer Dr. Andrew Taylor Still. Still’s...

Use lobelia to quit smoking
Smoking is one of the most dangerous addictions today. This is because it is not something that attacks immediately, but its ugly head starts to show years and decades after...