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Cabbage soup diet side effects

Cabbage soup diet side effects

Information on Cabbage Soup DietCabbage soup diet is one of the best diets in the world because it helps losing excess weight in the fastest possible manner. It is a...

Protein deficiency symptoms

Protein deficiency symptoms

Protein DeficiencyProtein deficiency represents insufficient protein intake and it is responsible for high incidence of starvation and diseases. This condition is common in many countries of the Third World and...

Cure your hemorrhoids to avoid the doctor

Cure your hemorrhoids to avoid the doctor

Many people suffer from hemorrhoidsand are unaware of simple treatments that can bring immediate and lastingrelief. Many options are inexpensive andreadily available through local pharmacies, super markets and even conveniencestores...

SSRI antidepressants

SSRI antidepressants

SSRI antidepressant is a drug that is used in the treatment of depression and some other mental conditions. A patient is supposed to take them between two and four weeks...

Problem of swollen spleen

Problem of swollen spleen

Swollen spleen usually indicates some underlying medical problem. Swollen spleen can be caused by number of reasons, followed by different symptoms and treated in different ways.Spleen OverviewThe spleen is a...

Severe dehydration risks

Severe dehydration risks

Loss ofwater in the bodyPeople fromall Meridians can suffer from severe loss of water from their bodies. The degreeof dehydration can vary from one instance to another. For example, we...

Belly fat reduction formula

Belly fat reduction formula

Creating slim and fit body is by some considered to be more difficult that just building muscles. Muscles can be bulked up with so many different exercises, with or without...

Kelp side effects

Kelp side effects

Information on KelpKelp is an excellent source of numerous essential nutrients and it commonly grows in coastal and temperate areas of the seas and oceans. Kelp is one of the...

Heavy bleeding during period

Heavy bleeding during period

Excessive bleeding during periodIt is not uncommon that a woman experiences abnormal discharge of blood during period. In some instances a woman bleeds profusely at the beginning of the period...

How to get rid of acne marks

How to get rid of acne marks

It is an unfortunate fact that the television and magazines in today’s world portray a picture of beauty that is seldom natural and extremely difficult for the average human being...