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Side effects of reductil

Side effects of reductil

What is reductil, who should use it and when?Reductil is a kind of a medication that is used as an appetite suppressant but only in cases of extremely overweight people...

Side effects of kytril

Side effects of kytril

What is Kytril and how does it work?Since nausea and vomiting are among the most common side effects of chemotherapy and radiation, one of the medications that is very frequently...

Painful home birth

Painful home birth

What is the difference between home and hospital birth? Somewomen decide on home birth, because, in that case, the chances for using pain relievers are less than in the hospital...

Herbs for fungus treatmnent

Herbs for fungus treatmnent

The fungusBecause of the structure, nails get easily infected with fungi. Fungal infections are responsible for the disorders such as athlete’s foot, tinea (or ringworm) and jock itch. The fungus...

How to treat a blister on foot

How to treat a blister on foot

HistoryJust like most of conditions and skin diseases, blisters can be extremely unpleasant and if not treated properly and in time, they can cause a lot of pain. In order...

Help for painful patellar

Help for painful patellar

A few words about patellaPatella is the oval bone which is located on the frontal part of the knee and covers the knee joint. This means that it can be...

Balloon surgery for weight loss

Balloon surgery for weight loss

Methods of weight lossThere are various methods for the weight loss, ranging from the classical approach which means going on some sort of diet, to the more radical approaches that...

Handling painful tooth

Handling painful tooth

Tooth painTooth pain is (obviously) the pain in the tooth or in the area around the tooth, typically in the jaw or in the gums. It may worsen if you...

What are blepharitis symptoms

What are blepharitis symptoms

Information on BlepharitisBlepharitis is a medical condition which involves redness and inflammatory conditions of the rims of the eyelids. The accompanying symptoms may also include itchiness of the eyelids, crusty...

Tongue piercing - does it hurt

Tongue piercing - does it hurt

Tongue PiercingPiercings have become and are becoming more and more popular every year. While these were merely taboos twenty years ago, nowadays, they are becoming trends and even marks of...