Excessive bleeding during period
It is not uncommon that a woman experiences abnormal discharge of blood during period. In some instances a woman bleeds profusely at the beginning of the period and bleeding reduces over time, as the end of the period draws near. However, it may not be the case – some will continue to lose blood even in the following days. This is not an extremely dangerous condition, but it is important to remember that it still requires a proper amount of attention. It may happen that a woman’s body is trying to convey that something is wrong, so observe the signs closely and consult a specialist if necessary.
Most typical reasons for intensive bleeding
The list of possible reasons is fairly tricky. Not all instances of excessive bleeding during period are provoked by the same culprit. Quite often, hormones are to blame. Females that are getting close to their menopausal segment of life, or adolescent or teenage girls, may get to bleed profusely minimum once a year during their period. This situation can be regarded as natural, since the mentioned stages of life are characterized by fluctuations in the hormone status. Be that as it may, it still requires a due amount of attention, since the change in balance of hormones may not be to blame after all.
Hormonal status is not the only possible factor responsible for developing intensive bleeding during period. The ailment known as pelvic inflammatory disease, which sometimes follows sexual intercourse which lacked protection or artificially provoked miscarriage, can be held responsible for too much bleeding in some women. Polyps in the uterus are known to induce excessive bleeding during the menstrual period. This condition most typically occurs in females who are in their late twenties or mid forties.
Apart from medical problems that sometimes induce excessive discharge of blood during the cycle some drugs can produce this problem. For instance, oral contraceptives can be blamed for too much blood in some cases. In cases where, a female experiences the problem this article is describing, she needs to pay special attention to the side effects medicines she is taking might produce.
Treating theproblem
The woman has two options, which may in fact be considered complementary – taking classical medications, and implementing natural remedies. While synthetic medications may sometimes be indispensable, natural solutions should be used first if possible. For instance, what may help the woman make up for the lost iron is a diet rich in iron and vitamins in general. Also, try to elevate your feet so as to ensure proper and sufficient circulation in the abdomen.
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