SSRI antidepressant is a drug that is used in the treatment of depression and some other mental conditions. A patient is supposed to take them between two and four weeks so that SSRI antidepressants can start reacting, and the treatment should last six months and then gradually doses are decreased. SSRI is short from selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor. Apart depressions, these depressants are used in the treatment of conditions that include bulimia, panic disorder, and obsessive-compulsive disorder.
The function of antidepressants SSRI is manifested through the change of the neurotransmitter which is called serotonin and which is believed to have an important role in the development of depression and some other conditions.
Antidepressants and depression
There is no a specific cause for depression development, though there may be some events such as illness or severe trauma that can lead to depression. Symptoms that indicate depression in a person are most usually sadness, insomnia, low appetite, energy loss, irritability, lack of concentration, headaches etc. According to statistics, the treatment of depression with SSRI antidepressants is effective in 5-7 people out of 10, but on the other hand, 3 people out of 10 improve their conditions without any pills, so it would be best if one could try to treat depression in a natural way. It is important to note that SSRI antidepressants don’t have the same effect on everyone and are not used for the treatment of feelings, so a person can’t become suddenly happy with SSRI antidepressants.
One shouldn’t take SSRI antidepressants without the prescription from a doctor, because he can tell when and how to start and stop the intake of SSRI antidepressants. There are a several types of SSRI antidepressants and sometimes if one type doesn’t help, the other one is recommended.
Side effects that can develop due to SSRI antidepressants are very rare and very small numbers of patients experiences them. The possible side effects include diarrhea, vomiting, headaches, and general feeling of sickness.
During the past years, there have been a case of possible connection between suicidal behavior, but a connection wasn’t found. Just in case, if you become restless, irritated or anxious, consult a doctor so that he could react in a proper manner.
The belief that SSRI antidepressants cause addiction is not true. That thought is widely spread because the withdrawal symptoms develop when one starts lowering the doses at the end of treatment. These symptoms include dizziness, insomnia, anxiety, cramps in the stomach, mood swings and others, but they cease after one or two weeks.
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