Peripheral neuropathy types
What is peripheral neuropathy and why does it occur?Peripheral neuropathy is a condition that is characterized primarily by pain and numbness in hands and feet, caused by some kind of...

Quick breakfast ideas
We all know theimportance of a good breakfast and the strength it carries. It does not onlyequip our metabolism with all the essentials it needs to get through the day,but...

Fish oil as a treatment for ADHD
Oils and deficitsDisorder in questionis already known to the greatest majority of people, due to the unfortunate factthat it is becoming more and more of a problem all around the...

Benefits of grape seed oil
Grape seed oil has recently become more and more popular, after the scientists have found that it has many advantages over other edible oils. This oil has many uses, from...

Lithium carbonate side effects
Lithium carbonate and the main factsLithium carbonate is a medication that is officially approved by FDA for the treatment of a wide range of mental conditions, but it cannot be...

Exercises to improve posture
The importance of good postureIt is not at all easy to maintain good posture today,particularly when having in mind the amount of time that we spend in front ofthe television...

Bulging disc in neck
The cervical spine, spine and the lower back region, or the lumbar spine, can be the causes of the chronic pain that is produced by the damaged vertebrae disc and...

All about yoga body fitness
Scientists identified stress as the cause of many physicaland mental problems in humans. Since there is sometimes no way to resist thepressure of modern life, people are very prone to...

Seizures in adults review
Seizures – Basic InfoSeizure is a medical term used to describe a sudden change in a behavior of a person, caused by the dysfunction of the brain. A person suffering...

Sacroiliac joint inflammation
In order to understand this condition better, it isimportant to know where the sacroiliac joints are located and what functionthey have. First of all, they are positioned on each side...