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Healthy diet for children

Healthy diet for children

IntroductionYou can teach your children healthy eating habits from the early age, and by doing that, you can set them in to right direction for the rest of their lives...

Complications of root canal surgery

Complications of root canal surgery

Dentist visits are a part of a regular health care treatment. And going to dentist on regular basis is part of a normal life. Most root canal treatments, which are...

Surgery for melanoma

Surgery for melanoma

IntroductionMelanoma is a skin cancer which originates from melanocytes. Melanocytes are present in the skin and mucous membranes. They are even found in brain membranes and in the eye. The...

Natural cure for head cold

Natural cure for head cold

What is a head cold?A head cold, also called common cold or upper respiratory infection, is a viral infection usually caused by rhinoviruses or coronaviruses. It is contagious and since...

Painful intercourse for women

Painful intercourse for women

Painful intercoursePainful intercourse is medically called dyspareunia and it is not unusual condition that occurs before, during, or after the intercourse. It is characterized by the persistent and recurrent genital...

Lose pregnancy pounds

Lose pregnancy pounds

IntroductionIt is already well known fact that women tend to gain a lot of the weight during the period of being pregnant. It is great problem nowadays because of the...

Healthy hip to waist ratio

Healthy hip to waist ratio

IntroductionThe proportion between your hips and your waist is being used more and more by the physicians who seem to prefer it over the BMI index measurement, since they believe...

Causes of diabetes in animals

Causes of diabetes in animals

Causes of Diabetes in AnimalsDiabetes can develop in animals just like in humans. This occurs when an animal’s body doesn’t produce enough insulin or use insulin improperly. Pancreas is the...

Problem with pain in ankle

Problem with pain in ankle

AnkleThe foot can move in two ways, one being away from the body and this is called plantar flexion which can flex to forty five degrees and the other is...

Surgery for weak eye muscles

Surgery for weak eye muscles

Weak Eye Muscle SurgeryEye muscles are in charge with the eye movements. In case they do not function properly some of eye movements are not possible and it may significantly...