The cervical spine, spine and the lower back region, or the lumbar spine, can be the causes of the chronic pain that is produced by the damaged vertebrae disc and this condition is called degenerative disc disease. There can be bulging, herniated or ruptured disc, which can be a result of the injury or aging. The nerves located on the annulus's outer area can be irritated and the outer disc area can be exposed if the disc is torn. Nerves and the disc are not getting the blood they need, so there is no repair. In the majority of cases, it becomes chronic and the pain comes and goes periodically.
Bulging Disc
The bulging disc mostly affects lower back area. The disc has its radius and it can shift out of it when the disc penetrates the spine crevice. This happens over time and mostly due to aging process. Ligaments, tendons, muscles and nerves support the spine, and the cervical spine ligaments control the neck and head movements. These ligaments can easily become damaged. Neck will suffer when there is a slip of the disc and this will cause mild pain in the beginning, but over time, it will become worse and worse.
Neck Bulging Disc Causes
The bulging disc can also affect neck area but the most common area of this problem is the lower back area. The pain will be felt in the legs if the lower back area is affected, but the pain will be experienced in the arms and shoulders if the neck is affected. Cushioning ability of the disc can become affected by the water loss, and thus the tears and stress can be caused as well. This will make the two vertebras come very close to each other and narrow the area between the two vertebras.
Neck Bulging Disc Recovery
You can take over-the-counter medications to ease the pain, but the most crucial parts of the recovery are movement restriction and rest. Medications will decrease the swelling and the pain, and you will include exercises after some time. Also, you should apply heat and cold, altering between them constantly. The back should be kept straight and you can use firm pillows or mattress for this purpose. Put a pillow under the leg in order to keep it elevated and remember to rest a lot.
You need to discuss about every single treatment method before opting for surgery. There are many factors that will influence the decision to undergo the surgery and some of them are pain frequency, pain level, symptoms and medical history. Due to the risk involved with this surgery, it is usually considered as a last resort treatment method. But in these days, the modern medicine can get rid of this problem with no hospital stay, anesthesia, fast recovery and few risks but many benefits involved.
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