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High potassium levels in blood

High potassium levels in blood

Among a number of conditions thatare directly related to the increased levels of potassium, probably the mostserious one in nature is hyperkalemia. As far as the importance of potassium isconcerned...

Foods rich in calcium

Foods rich in calcium

Calcium is an important nutrient and it should be consumed in the adequate amounts in all periods of life, but it is particularly important for children and adolescents. Calcium is...

Taking a bath after C-section

Taking a bath after C-section

Giving Birth By Cesarean SectionMany mothers have their childrendelivered by means of the cesarean, or c-section. This reduces the riskof any possible birth complications which might endanger the newborn.However, this...

Sinus headache home remedy

Sinus headache home remedy

Sinusitis is one of the most common infections that affect the nasal passages. One of its main symptoms is a nagging headache. Sinusitis is usually treated with antibiotics, but there...

Vinegar treatment for toenail infection

Vinegar treatment for toenail infection

Toenail infections can be very persistent, and for those who decide to treat them naturally, without synthetic medications, vinegar is one of the best options. About toenail infectionsThe most common...

Side effects of chemotherapy

Side effects of chemotherapy

Chemotherapy is one of the methods that are used in the process of the cancer treatment. The bad thing about it is that it has a great deal of the...

Barbell bench press

Barbell bench press

For those who are entering the gym for the first time, it wouldbe smart to be well prepared with information! Nothing else, exceptsome motivation and some gear is needed. Gym...

Ulcerative colitis symptoms and treatment

Ulcerative colitis symptoms and treatment

Ulcerative colitis is a chronic inflammatory condition of the large intestine. It features with inflammation of the inner surface of the large intestine and the mucous membrane becomes red, swollen...

Elliptical workout benefits

Elliptical workout benefits

Elliptical workout is another modern type of exercises thatcan be performed either at home or in a gym. Actually, all modern gyms shouldhave couple of elliptical trainers available. ExercisingElliptical trainer...

Sciatic nerve exercises

Sciatic nerve exercises

Sciatic nerve and sciaticaSciatic nerve is a large nerve tissue that consists of nerveroots that come out of the spinal cord into the lower back. This nerve branchesthrough the buttocks...