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Ulnar nerve surgery

Ulnar nerve surgery

Ulnar Nerve Surgery - Why is it Done?The ulnar nerve is the nerve in charge with innervation of the skin (the little finger and half of the ring finger) and...

About arnica tablets

About arnica tablets

ArnicaMontana is the plant also known as mountain tobacco or leopard’s bane. The plantbelongs to the sunflower family, and when fully developed it can be about twofeet high. Flowers of...

Polio is eradicated from Europe

Polio is eradicated from Europe

Polio is a viral infectious disease spread from person to person, usually by the fecal-oral route. The disease is also known under the name poliomyelitis or infantile paralysis. This infection...

Generic nexium information

Generic nexium information

About Nexium Nexium belongs to a group of drugs known as proton pump inhibitors (PPIs). These drugs work by blocking the sites in your stomach responsible for the production of...

Speed up metabolism and eliminate belly fat

Speed up metabolism and eliminate belly fat

Even really slim people often struggle with the fat deposits accumulated around their belly. Even those who exercise a lot, do specialized work out routines and follow weight loss diets...

Clinical audit cycle

Clinical audit cycle

IntroductionMandatory clinical audit was introduced in the 1990 by theNHS act and The White Paper Working for Patients. It actually evolved from themedical audit during 1993 and it was a...

Reactive hypoglycemia treatment

Reactive hypoglycemia treatment

There is no better way to treat a reactive hypoglycemia than to make some changes in the diet. This change will include the exclusion of foods that contain a high...

Acai berry-the new super food

Acai berry-the new super food

Information on Acai BerryAcai berry is a small type of fruit which is grown on palmtrees, deep in the rain forest of the Amazon region. The locals have known of...

Aromatherapy cellulite remedies

Aromatherapy cellulite remedies

IntroductionAromatherapy oils can be used for various therapeutic purposes,besides providing a better mood and a nice smell. They can be used for massageon the areas affected by cellulite. No commercially...