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Tips for getting pregnant after 30

Tips for getting pregnant after 30

Women who are older than 30 have hardly passed their prime! Yet, messages about declining fertility are all around, and many ladies are worried that getting pregnant after 30 may...

Natural estrogen blockers

Natural estrogen blockers

Excessive estrogen is a common problem in both men's and women's fertility. The plant chemicals known as phytoestrogens are natural estrogen blockers that prevent estrogen from reaching the cell sites...

Alcohol and trying to get pregnant

Alcohol and trying to get pregnant

Couples seeking to conceive a healthy baby generally need to avoid alcohol. Here are the reasons why. The effects of drinking of alcohol on female fertility are have been intensively...

Foods to avoid while trying to conceive

Foods to avoid while trying to conceive

It's not hard to identify the foods to avoid while trying to conceive. Women seeking to become mothers and men seeking to become fathers should both take care to avoid...

Air Pollution Lowers Success Rate of IVF

Air Pollution Lowers Success Rate of IVF

Air pollution is not related to pulmonary risks and other diseases only, but is according to latest studies responsible for lowering the success rate of IVF birth. The study was...