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Herbs for dream pillows

Herbs for dream pillows

Throughout the history people used different herbs to scent their homes or to put them in pillows to relax and fall asleep easier. Dried roses were put in a jar...

Health benefits of cabbage

Health benefits of cabbage

Cabbage, as most othervegetables, is very healthy. Rich in vitamin C, it strengthens our immunitymaking us less prone do diseases. Also, cabbage is very good for our blood aselements it...

Botox complications

Botox complications

The bacteria named Clostridiumbotulinum is the product of botulinum toxin A. This toxin is more known to the generalpublic under its retail name Botox. Botox is connected with botulism sinceBotox...

Jeera benefits for health

Jeera benefits for health

The Indian word for cumin seeds is jeera. Jeera is an annual plant that can grow between 35 and 45 cm. It is long with white or rose flowers. Its...

Symptoms of Raynaud's disease

Symptoms of Raynaud's disease

Raynaud's disease is a condition that features with spasms of peripheral blood vessel. It generally affects the blood vessels in toes, fingers, ear or nose. The trigger of the spasms...

Symptoms of high cholesterol

Symptoms of high cholesterol

Increased level of fat in the blood occurs as a result of excessive in take of saturated fats (animal origin fats). It may be genetically predisposed, when liver increasingly produces...

Symptoms of worms in cats

Symptoms of worms in cats

Both indoor and outdoorcats are affected by cat worms, so it is important to be able to recognize thesymptoms before the condition gets worse. Depending on the type of worm...

Complications of leukemia

Complications of leukemia

The begging of leukemia happens in the bone marrow. Healthy bone marrow has the platelets, red and white blood cells, and when leukemia begins, white blood cells number changes and...

Causes of obesity

Causes of obesity

Obesity is the state of being well above one’s normal weight and it is becoming quite the growing issue in today’s modern society, where everyone’s lifestyles are so hectic and...

Complications of regional anaesthesia

Complications of regional anaesthesia

AnesthesiaAlmost every surgical procedure is performed under anesthesia. No matter how simple, such as fixing a tooth, or complex, such as heart surgery, the procedure includes receiving some form of...