Obesity caused by an unhealthy diet
Obesity caused by an irregular diet is also referred to as obesity due to lack of energy balance. This means that the amount of energy inserted into the body is not nearly equal to the amount of energy that the body spends. The energy given to the body is received from the foods and drinks and it supplies the body with energy and calories. The energy that the body releases is spent for activities such as breathing, digesting food or doing some physical activity. Obviously if the balance is disturbed by having too much energy entering the body when compared to the energy leaving it, it will eventually lead to weight gain, as opposed to having too much energy leave the body when compared to the one entering it, which will cause weightloss.
Obesity caused by the lack of physical activity
Obesity frequently follows those people who do not include any physical activity whatsoever in their lifestyles and lead an overall inactive life consisted of sitting down in the work environment and going home afterward to sit down in front of a TV or a computer for multiple hours. This routine has become rather standard to a large number of people and is most definitely one of the biggest causes of obesity out there because these people have nowhere to spend the calories received from foods and drinks. Lack of physical activity also increases the risk of many serious conditions including heart diseases and high blood pressure, diabetes or cancer.
Obesity caused by environmental reasons
Environmental reasons which may lead to obesity are the ones whose deprivation the person can’t really control to an extent. One of these reasons is the lack of places suitable for recreation and physical exercise in one’s neighborhood. Another one can be an exhausting work schedule which does not leave much spare time, especially time to reserve for physical activity. Having no places to purchase healthy foods can also be a problem when trying to fit a balanced diet into a busy schedule.
Finally, apart from these most common causes of obesity, it is important to mention that it is sometimes genetic or caused by an underlying condition, whether it is medical or emotional.
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