Information on Yerba Mate
Yerba mate is actually a shrub and it is used quite often asa water pill. It is very popular because of its potent antidepressant andstimulant properties. Yerba mate can also sometimes be associated with certaintypes of side effects. Mate needs to be pronounced as mahtay. Yerba mate comesfrom the family of aquifoloaceae and it originates from the subtropical regionof South America which includes Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Paraguay and Chile.Yerba mate shrub can grow up to 15 feet in height.
It is characterized by greenleaves, small white flowers and little fruits that can grow up to 6 millimetersin diameter. Many people use yerba mate as a substitute and a healthyalternative to coffee and numerous other different types of caffeinatedproducts. Yerba mate leaves need to be cured over an open fire so that theybecome more brittle and certain types of enzymes contained in them getdeactivated as well. The smokey flavor which is often associated with yerbamate herbal tea actually comes from this process.
The leaves can also bepar-blanched in boiling water. The leaves need to be toasted in a panafterwards in order to make the beverage known as the brow-leaf tea. The entireSouth American population consumes yerba mate much more than tea or coffee.
Side Effects of Yerba Mate
Yerba mate comes in very handy when it comes to relievingfatigue and enhancing the process of weight loss by suppressing hunger. Yerbamate side effects may be associated with certain other medicaments andnutritional supplements such as asthma medications, anxiety medications, oralcontraceptives, sleep medications, certain types of antibiotics, MAOinhibitors, bitter orange nutritional supplements, decongestant cold medicaments,migraine medicaments, oral hypoglycemics and insulin.
Yerba mate can causedamage to the liver when consumed in significant amounts. Yerba mate is knownfor its very potent antioxidant and anti-cancer properties, but in some casesit may also be affiliated with significant risks of cancer. It especially maycontribute to the development of cancer in specific areas of the human bodysuch as the upper intestinal tract, esophagus, throat and the mouth.
Yerba matecan also be the trigger of significant increases of the heart rate and bloodpressure because it contains certain types of caffeine components. Those whotake blood pressure medications should avoid consuming yerba mate. The same canbe said for those who suffer from depression, ulcers, anxiety, kidney diseases,heart conditions and hypertension.
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