A Common Problem at Young Age
Approximately one third of all childrenis bound to suffer from an ear infection. Most of those children areless than 5 years old. Older children rarely develop this infectionwhile in adults it is an extremely rare condition. The sufferer fromear infection experiences pain and irritation. However, luckily,nothing worse usually comes out of it and it is an easily treatablestate of affairs. Nevertheless, there has been a rise of the questionof an ear infection being transferable among people as if contagious.In order to shed some light upon this mystery, we have decided togive you further information helping you grasp the truth.
If You Have It, Will I Have It?!
The answer on this question is - no, you won't. An ear infection is not contagious.Nevertheless, it can be contagious only indirectly. Namely, if the infection iscaused by the same virus which causes cold and sore throat, it can betransferred from one person to another. In this respect, thetransferred sickness is the cold, eventually affecting your earscausing the ear infection. This is the only way of transferring thiscondition and it certainly is not a direct one.
Manifestations of Ear Infections
Most ear infections are caused by viralactivity. When a person is having a cold, the viruses located in thenose get transferred to the ear via the ear organ called theEustachian tube. Once reaching the ear, viral activity causes theinfection, resulting in pain and discomfort. When we are children,these ear pathways are much more angled and narrow, enablingmicroorganisms to migrate from our throat and nose all the way to ourears. However, in time, as we grow, our Eustachian tubes grow moresteep and wide; therefore, greatly decreasing chances of viral andbacterial migrations.
This condition manifests itself through pain,headaches and fever, especially while sleeping. Fluid may drip fromthe infected ear as well. In most cases, this condition heals on itsown after a period of several days.
If it remains persistent, seekingmedical assistance is a must. During the recovery period, however,you might consider taking painkillers or anti-inflammatorymedications. Also, several drops of garlic juice into the infectedear may provide your child great relief. Olive oil is great for thesepurposes as well and several warm drops will be of great assistance.Finally, to boost your child's immunity, make sure you provide him orher with a diet rich in vitamin C and zinc. Follow these steps andthe infection will surely be gone in no time.
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