If you are further along in pregnancy, it is still possible that a miscarriage starts with bleeding and cramps. But bleeding can also be caused by something else, like a placenta previa (that is when your placenta covers your cervix), or an irritated cervix. Cramps can be Braxton Hicks contractions or your body being tired. Still, if you are worried, contacting your doctor is always a wise approach. Late miscarriages are much more likely to be similar to labor, though. If you notice regular contractions that do not decrease or go away when you change positions, you should head into the hospital immediately. Pre-term labor can sometimes be halted with the help of medication.
Another sign to watch out for is your bag of waters breaking. Again, when your baby is very far off from being ready to be born, there is a chance that labor can be stopped. Amnio infusions can even be given to replenish the baby's amniotic fluid in some cases. If you have started pre-term labor, you will probably be put on bed rest to prolong your pregnancy. Another very important miscarriage symptom to watch out for is a decrease or total stop in your baby's movement. If there is no fetal movement, and your baby does not respond to abdominal prodding or very cold drinks, that is a good indication that your baby is in trouble. At first, you may think your baby is sleeping. But once you realize that your baby hasn't moved for a while, and if he or she doesn't respond to your attempts to make them kick, seek medical help right away.
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