What is selective reduction?
Selective reduction refers to the practice of aborting one or more fetuses in women who are expecting high-order multiples. Many doctors ask couples to consider this option if they are...
Can green tea affect prostate cancer ?
Benefits of the famous green teaGreen tea is very well known for its numerous health-related benefits, and one of the most important is its potential to function as an antioxidant...
Yeast infection discharge
A few words about yeastYeast is one of the most frequent infectious processes caused by fungi, actually, yeast is the common name for the fungus that in the normal conditions...
How to enjoy sex after fatherhood
A Brief IntroductionBecoming a father is quite possibly one of the biggest joys in life! However, there are unexpected consequences to be faced upon recent fatherhood. One of them would...
Pregnancy testing - false positive pregnancy test
Pregnancy testsWhen a woman notices certain symptoms that are typical of pregnancy and when she believes that she is pregnant, she can detected it by the means of various pregnancy...
About perimenopause treatment
Facts about perimenopauseWomen are well familiar with this term, which stands for the period in which the female body goes through changes that lead to the menopause. It does not...
Do you experience heavy bleeding during periods?
The female body is specifically made to bear a child, which is why, when a girl enters puberty, each month her body prepares for the pregnancy. However, if the pregnancy...
Improving conception without fertility drugs
Many couples are facing difficulty conceiving a child. Often, couples who have hard time achieving pregnancy as fast as they were hoping, opt for expensive and stressful fertility treatments. However...
Chronic bilirubin encephalopathy
Bilirubin EncephalopathyFrom the neonatal period we have a metabolic encephalopathy called kernicterus. The pathogenesis and etiology of the HIE and kernicterus are connected. The liver’s inability to conjugate bilirubin or...
Erectile dysfunction and generic drugs
Erectile dysfunction or impotence as it is sometimes referred to as, is a rather common medical condition and it affects a large number of men everywhere around the world. It...