Embryo adoption stories
Are you considering becoming a parent through embryo adoption, or did you undergo IVF treatment and are you looking into donating embryos? Regardless of your personal situation, you are obviously...

Selective reduction after IVF
Selective reduction refers to the practice of reducing the number of fetuses in a pregnancy. It is a form of abortion, with the difference that the pregnancy was quite apparently...

Expecting a baby in your 40s
Are you over 40 and expecting a baby or trying to conceive? You may wonder how your age will affect your pregnancy, particularly if you have already had children in...

What is birth rape?
Birth rape is a slightly controversial term that has been going around the internet for quite some years now. It doesn't refer to sexual acts, but instead to healthcare professionals...

Single and pregnant: preparing for motherhood
In the early stage of a baby's life, it is extremely common for mothers to do all of the parenting. But if you are pregnant, single, and preparing for motherhood...

When your partner doesn't want to attend your baby's birth
Nobody bats an eyelid at fathers attending their baby's birth these days, and in many countries this is very much expected. Yet, in many cultures, childbirth is still seen as...

Homebirth: how long would a transfer take?
After our previous post about reasons to transfer to hospital during a homebirth, we thought it would be good to also discuss the process of transfer as well. To make...

Homebirth - reasons to transfer to hospital
Studies into the safety of homebirth have often concluded that homebirth is as safe as hospital birth, or even safer... for low risk women. Studies that found that homebirth was...

Keeping newborns safe with a toddler in the house
Does your toddler love to hug your newborn, and does he or she attempt to "play" with the new baby? Many toddlers are absolutely in love with their new sibling...

Study review: shift work doesn't impact pregnancy?
Some previous studies have suggested that women who do shift work, and work nights sometimes, have an increased risk of giving birth to a low birth weight baby, or going...