Stuttering therapy for young children
Stuttering is a problem that tends to occur in the childhood mostly, and according to some statistical records, approximately 5 % of children are affected by this speech impediment problem...
Endometriosis diet recipes
Endometriosis is a medical disease that affects women. This disease belongs to the class of gynecological medical condition and it is characterized in growth of the cells from the lining...
Myths about fatherhood
Being a “freshly-made” father, puts you in quite an awkward position. Namely, there are great chances that you will not have a single idea about what you are going to...
Endometriosis diet treatment
Endometriosis is a condition which mostly affects women who are still in their reproductive part of life. Namely, this condition manifests through tissue from the lining of the uterus being...
The father factor: Meaning of fatherhood for men
In the past, the presence of the fatherand the mother in a family was the crucial factor determining itssuccess. However, today, things have changed and the family structureof modern times...
Endometriosis treatment options
Endometriosis may cause many problems, including some excruciating ones before and during menstrual periods and also during and after sexual intercourse. The affected women may also experience heavy bleeding during...
Fatherhood institute - The dad deficit
New fathers face a mysterious voyage through their new set of obligations and lifestyle changes. However, the amount of support they receive through this period is minimal. Rather, society seems...
Behçet's disease and pregnancy
What is Behcet’s Syndrome?Behcet’s syndrome is a chronic type of inflammatory chronicdisorder which affects multiple systems in the human body and is commonlycharacterized by relapsing sorts of genital and oral...
Computer-Related Repetitive Strain Injury in children
A vast number of people use computers on a daily basis, either for work or for fun and other activities. However, using the computer on a daily basis, in the...
Fatherhood culture in society and school
Fatherhood is commonly considered to bea general, universal term, clear and interchangeable in all culturesaround the globe. However, this is not quite so since a father figureis something created in...