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Fathers guide:How to care for newborns

Fathers guide:How to care for newborns

Being a father is not an easy task and pregnancy is usually a time for future fathers to start thinking about their future fatherhood techniques. However, while mothers-to-be get exposed...

Underage drinking is harmful for health

Underage drinking is harmful for health

Alcoholism or alcohol dependence is a negative pattern of alcohol consumption which leads to various different problems. Some of the most commonly seen problems of alcoholism are needing more alcohol...

Epilepsy symptoms in children

Epilepsy symptoms in children

Currently, epilepsy is a condition affecting about 2.5 million of American citizens, with about 180,000 people with this health issue appearing each year. Epilepsy is a currently incurable health condition...

Erectile dysfunction and heart disease

Erectile dysfunction and heart disease

There are a lot of men who wonder whether erectile dysfunction is a sign of heart disease. Men need to know that in a lot of cases erectile dysfunction is...

Fatherhood - Soothing a crying baby

Fatherhood - Soothing a crying baby

Even though dads tend to be notorious for their inability to cope with their babies, this is not true in a great number of cases. On the contrary, many fathers...

Parenting is important for children

Parenting is important for children

The importance of parents in a child's life cannot be emphasized enough. Since the moment we are born, we need parents to take care of us, provide for us and...

Effective prevention of congenital syphilis

Effective prevention of congenital syphilis

Congenital syphilis is a medical condition affecting babies of the mothers who contract bacteria Treponema pallidum during their pregnancy and are not treated on time. There are specific changes in...

Hepatitis A: Symptoms in children

Hepatitis A: Symptoms in children

Hepatitis A is inflammation of the liver caused by hepatitis virus A, a RNA virus and a member of genus hepatovirus, family Picornaviridae. The infection caused by hepatitis A is...