Learning disabilities in children
What is a Learning Disability?It is often the case that parents of children who might be having a learning disability are overwhelmed by the amount of various information that is...

Drug abuse and low testosterone
Testosterone is present in most mammals and vertebrates. The hormone is produced in men ten times greater than in women, and plays a vital role the biological, physiological and sexual...

Erectile dysfunction and circulation
Erectile dysfunction is a rather common medical condition as it affects a large number of men everywhere around the world. Even though it affects a large number of people, in...

Erectile dysfunction from blood pressure medication
High blood pressure is a chronic medical condition in which the systemic arterial blood pressure is elevated. In more than 90% of all cases, hypertension occurs with no obvious medical...

Prevention of underage drinking
Overview of Underage DrinkingAlcohol abuse is characterized by a pattern of use of the drug which causes numerous health, work, family, financial, and social problems. Frequent drinking also leads to...

Stress symptoms in children
Usually, children are perceived as careless beings who spend their days in happiness, serenity, playfulness and joy. Surely, these kinds of beings could not possibly be exposed to any stress...

The fatherhood institute
The Fatherhood Institute is a charity foundation established in 1999. Founders of the Institute were ordinary mothers and fathers who realized that classic family service providers simply do not meet...

The truth about fatherhood
We are still living in a patriarchal, gender-driven world where fathers are stereotypes for warriors and muscular heroes deprived of emotions and mothers are caring figures who stay at home...

Facts about pediatric falls in hospitals
People who spend time in hospitals may fall due to different reasons, risking having their time of hospitalization increased because of the injuries sustained. Also, these situations may easily result...

Syphilis in man - Prevent transmission by protecting yourself!
Syphilis is a disease which is transmitted among people during sexual intercourse. The cause of this disease is a certain bacterium called Treponema palladium. This bacterium is otherwise known as...