New fathers face a mysterious voyage through their new set of obligations and lifestyle changes. However, the amount of support they receive through this period is minimal. Rather, society seems not to expect anything from fathers. So, many face this solitude and lack of support once they reach the fatherhood state. Others, on the other hand, find it easier to remain passive and let the mother do the hard work. Nevertheless, a father figure is a crucial part of every family and, this being such, both males and females need to learn how to believe in and use the whole father potential each male possesses.
The Fatherhood Institute
Currently, we are facing a fatherhood deficit. This state of affairs is such due to many factors. So, there is place for numerous changes to affect our global society, helping us introduce more fatherhood, ending the deficit.
Lack of proper education related to pregnancy and the birth of the child, as well as the roles of the father and the mother represent some of the main reasons for all the problems in this aspect of human life. Thus, people need to get the necessary instructions and information about the wonderful journey they are taking once their child gets born. This will lead to formation of healthy families which function through cooperation and mutual support.
Today, many maternity services claim that fathers have nothing to do with the pregnancy and that they are more or less unnecessary and useless during this time. However, fathers have feelings and anxiety troubling them as they fear for the health of their partner and child. Also, they are emotionally connected to the whole process. Thus, fathers need to be included into everything that happens during the pregnancy and not disallowed to enter the hospital during birth or sign the birth certificate of their child.
The Ongoing Change
Nowadays, the previously mentioned disorders are noticed by many fathers and they want a change to happen. Namely, 77% want longer opening hours in the hospitals so that they could find out more about their ways of contributing to their child's welfare. Furthermore, 75% of dads want to completely take their part of responsibilities for the child, sharing it with their partners justly. Also, 82% of dads desire to be recognized as a crucial part of their child's life and 78% desire modifications in the health facilities so that they can be included in the pregnancy procedure too.
Yet, taking into consideration that less than 50% of fathers take their children to and from school regularly or attend the clinic examination once their child is more than 2 months old. Thus, there is plenty of room for change in the average father's way of thinking and behaving.
Fortunately, new dads are changing and are more and more involved in the lives of their children, from their first moments in the hospital, all the way throughout the childhood. Hopefully, these dads will transfer the knowledge to their male children, teaching them how to become even better in the role of fathers.
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