How to Increase Sperm Count? Tips for Men Who are Trying to Conceive
There are several things that lower sperm count, and you might be doing it all wrong and that may prevent your sperm count from getting higher. In this article I...

Conceive a Baby Boy or a Baby Girl Following dr. Shettles Method
Basic principles of dr. Shettles method are described in an article How to Determine Baby s Sex with Shettles MethodConceiving a baby boy following dr. Shettles method If you would...

Is morning sickness the same for subsequent pregnancies?
Morning sickness has got to be one of the most notorious symptoms of early pregnancy, and one that everyone knows can strike at any time of the day, and can...

Prenatal Yoga: The Benefits of yoga during pregnancy
Yoga is a wonderful way of keeping fit, both mentally and physically. Perhaps the most wonderful aspect of yoga is that it can be practiced by anyone regardless of age...

Cervical mucus changes in early pregnancy
Have you been charting to conceive, and observing your basal body temperature (BBT), as well as changes in your cervical mucus throughout your cycle? Then the chances are that you...

India finally wants to regulate commercial surrogacy?
You have all seen them the articles about various fertility treatments gone wrong from India. We are talking about women well over their natural fertile ages conceiving babies through IVF...

Early pregnancy symptoms
We've all been guilty of obsessing over every single little twitch and cramp, and analyzing every physical and emotional change, while trying to get pregnant. Even those who say they...

Chances of Getting Pregnant on the Pill
Some women trying to conceive and on the pill will wonder if it harms fertility and the answer is no. Birth control pills are used to prevent pregnancy, but once...

What Supplements Should Men Take When Trying to Get Pregnant: Male Prenatal Supplements
It is not always about women when talking about trying to get pregnant. Lately more evidence was presented that men are just as (in)fertile as women and they are the...

Chronic Endometritis and Infertility
The term Endometritis refers to an inflammation of the endometrium which is the inner lining of the uterus in a female. Pathologists who study endometriosis classify it as either acute...