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It is not always about women when talking about trying to get pregnant. Lately more evidence was presented that men are just as (in)fertile as women and they are the first ones to be examined when couple is dealing with problems when trying to get pregnant. To some level it is possible to regulate fertility naturally, and first thing comes first what is your lifestyle like? 3 trick questions for wannabe daddies:

- Are you consuming alcohol on daily basis? A beer or two? Avoid it, because it sure does not help. Medical evidence shows that alcohol is linked to sperm defects. - Do you smoke? Again, medical evidence shows there is a link between smoking and low sperm count. - Do you do recreational drugs? Do I need to explain further? What do you think?

Next step: nutrition. Go as healthy as you can, and cut all processed food, junk food, and food that is high in saturated fat (anything fried). If possible eat organic, if not, try to get as much vegetables, fruits, fish, poultry, nuts, brown rice and seeds as you can. And water to flush away the toxins at least 10 large glasses of water. Top supplements that can be labeled as male prenatal supplements and actually are the supplements that men should take when trying to get pregnant are the following:

Zinc: if your nutrition is balanced, you shouldn't have problems with zinc deficiency. But whose nutrition is balanced these days? Zinc is a mineral that helps regulate production of testosterone, male reproductive system and sperm production. If you zinc deficient, you might be suffering not only from reproductive problems, but skin and many other disorders too. Zinc is the key mineral to keep your sperm healthy. A suggestion: eat lots of pumpkin seeds they are one of the top zinc rich foods and will keep your sperm healthy.

Arginine is amino acid and its production naturally decreases as people age. Arginine is also very important to keep the sperm and reproduction system healthy. Coenzyme Q10 increases sperm motility and improves sperm count. Doctors believe selenium is good for sperm mobility. Vitamin B-12 improves sperm motility and increases sperm count, while vitamin E helps improve overall sperm health.

Latest research suggests that lack in omega-3 fatty acids is linked to male infertility. Most of all: do not expect overnight results because results take time (at least a few months) to become visible.

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