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Erectile dysfunction - Libido

Erectile dysfunction - Libido

Even though many people believe that erectile dysfunction is the most common sexual dysfunction in men this is not true. Namely, erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation are conditions which commonly...

Child abuse - Guidelines for parents

Child abuse - Guidelines for parents

Child abuse is a terrible state of affairs, leading to numerous traumas and problems. Usually, children who have been abused experience many emotional and personal issues during their adult lives...

Erectile dysfunction - Low testosterone

Erectile dysfunction - Low testosterone

Testosterone is vital when it comes to the normal development of the male sex. It has been shown in recent times that testosterone can lead to health benefits, and the...

Fatherhood: Bonding with the baby

Fatherhood: Bonding with the baby

Once a new baby comes into the life of a new father and mother, this brings many changes. Basically, they need to learn how to get used to the new...

Erectile dysfunction - Low sperm count

Erectile dysfunction - Low sperm count

Every man in the world fears that he might suffer from low sperm count, especially men who wish to start a family. People who wonder how low sperm count is...

Mental retardation in children

Mental retardation in children

Statistically, about 3% of all children are mentally retarded. This classification carries a certain weight. Namely, it depicts a mental state of a child who is incapable of adapting to...

Focusing on lungs health in children

Focusing on lungs health in children

Lungs- how does it all work?Lungs are among the largest organs in the body, and they are an important part of the respiratory system because they make it possible totake...

Family planning options and methods

Family planning options and methods

Family planning is a practice of organizing and planning of when, where and how to have children and how many of them and it includes various birth control methods and...