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Best fertility clinics for male infertility

Best fertility clinics for male infertility

Infertility is on the rise approximately 15 percent of all couples now struggles to get pregnant. Statistics show that male infertility is partly responsible for 50 percent of those cases...

Are IVF children smarter?

Are IVF children smarter?

Have you ever read about concerns that children born with the help of IVF have a higher chance of suffering from autism (see autism rates and IVF), or birth defects...

Preeclampsia treatment and prevention

Preeclampsia treatment and prevention

Preeclampsia is a prenatal condition that can be dangerous for both mother and baby, and a diagnosis of preeclampsia signals that a mother might go onto to develop eclampsia, during...

Chlamydia in pregnancy and possible complications

Chlamydia in pregnancy and possible complications

Chlamydia is the most common sexually transmitted disease in the United States and many other developed countries. Three million Americans are infected with Chlamydia each year. Many women do not...

UK schools to run prenatal clinics?

UK schools to run prenatal clinics?

Teenage pregnancy is always a lovely subject for those who enjoy a little controversy. In the United Kingdom, if one government agency gets its way, schools could soon be organizing...

What to expect from your baby shower

What to expect from your baby shower

When you first found out that you were pregnant, I bet all kinds of questions crossed your mind. Questions like, when is my due date? Will my baby be a...

Edema, a normal symptom of pregnancy

Edema, a normal symptom of pregnancy

Edema is the accumulation of fluid in places where it does not normally accumulate. It's also referred to simply as "fluid retention", which is exactly what it is. Edema is...