First trimester - what if your pregnancy symptoms suddenly disappear?
Your pregnancy test was positive, you have missed a period, and you experienced at least some of the symptoms that are commonly associated with the first trimester of pregnancy. Perhaps...
Amniocentesis - what are the risks?
Having an amniocentesis is the one most certain way to find out whether your baby has any disabilities before birth. As more and more pregnancies are classified as "high risk"...
Second trimester bleeding - what could it be?
Bleeding in pregnancy is always bound to upset and worry any expectant mother. The first association has got to be a miscarriage, but there is more than this one cause...
Pregnancy anemia - what causes it, and how to cure it?
Anemia, an iron deficiency, seems to be a common occurrence in pregnancy. Doctors and midwives routinely test for it. If you are among those women who has been diagnosed with...
Pre-conception health tips
Deciding what the best time is to have a baby is a very personal process, to which no two families have the same answer. What is not individual is the...
Embryo adoption and the Catholic Church
IVF, invitro fertilization, is a procedure that has been steadily on the rise since the first "test tube baby" was born over three decades ago. It is hard to find...
Can artificial ovaries help cancer patients get pregnant?
Scientists have finally succeeded in creating an "artificial ovary" that could mature eggs outside of the body. This news could bring great hope for women whose fertility is threatened due...
Can losing weight after birth save you from incontinence?
Have you ever come across the theory that incontinence during pregnancy is caused by rapid weight gain? If you have, you would be one of many there are plenty of...
Toxoplasmosis - a danger to unborn babies?
There are many things that you would not normally give a second thought to, that become a great worry once you are pregnant. Toxoplasmosis is one of those things. This...
Drinking coffee while you are pregnant - is it OK?
We all know that drinking alcohol, or smoking cigarettes during pregnancy is a great big no-no. But how about caffeine? Is it safe to drink coffee while you are expecting...