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During IVF treatment, a woman's eggs are artificially fertilized with her partner's sperm in a lab setting. They are then placed back into the woman's body, where they will hopefully implant and create a successful pregnancy. For this to happen, eggs need to be taken from the woman's body first. How does egg retrieval for IVF work? How is the release of multiple eggs at once stimulated at once? This is a brief outline of the egg retrieval procedure for IVF.

To collect as many eggs as possible, a woman preparing for IVF will be prescribed injectable medications that stimulate the egg production inside the follicles. Injectables are something that many woman need time to get used to, as they are self-administered. When the eggs have matured, a process that is monitored closely through ultrasound, they are ready to be retrieved. Egg retrieval might sound scary, as it is a relatively invasive procedure, but it is carried out under anesthesia and as such, you will not remember the procedure or feel it. During egg retrieval, a large needle will be inserted into the follicles through the vagina, under the guidance of ultrasound. During the process, the produced eggs will be separated from the follicle wall, and be collected by the needle.

This procedure is essential to the success of the IVF treatment, but it is normally over and done with within five to ten minutes. After egg retrieval, the next step in the invitro fertilization process will be taken. The eggs are analyzed and prepared for fertilization. After embryos are successfully created, they will be ready for implantation back into your body. Want to know more about IVF? See who benefits from ICSI? and how do you find out if your fertility clinic has ever had an embryo mix-up?

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