When you are just starting out on your journey of trying to conceive a baby, it's fresh, new, and above all very exciting. After your first cycle of trying for a baby, you are likely to want to take a pregnancy test before your period is even due. Of course, you are paying close attention to your body and wondering if there are any pregnancy signs! When you are convinced you are pregnant, it is understandable to want your partner in life there to see those two lines. If you have been at it for a while, the excitement wears off a bit. You are likely to get an "aha moment" during which you think that you could be pregnant, and realize that you haven't had your period yet. At such a time, it's quite logical to want to take that test right away, without waiting for your partner. Yet, it also seems weird to some to have to tell your partner you are pregnant. He should find out at the same time you do, shouldn't he?
Your husband himself should also get a say in whether he wants to be there at that crucial point, of course. Some men love being there, while others just can't get around the fact that what you are doing is peeing on a stick. It's the pregnancy that is important to this category of men, and not the test. If you discuss this in advance, you have the best chance of coming to a mutual agreement that everyone is happy with.
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