When can you have a 4D ultrasound?
Ultrasounds are the one most exciting aspect of prenatal care. What mother does not enjoy seeing her little bean moving around on that monitor? Now that it is possible to...

Surrogacy legalized in Mexico
New legislation was passed in Mexico City that both legalizes and regulates the practice of surrogacy. The new laws are certainly a welcome change for many of the 1.5 million...

Which ovulation test is the best?
Most women who are hoping to start trying for a baby soon, or who have already started their quest to conceive, know that pin pointing ovulation is the single most...

Women stay away from their dads during ovulation?
If you believe a new study, women have a tendency to stay away from their fathers during their most fertile days. Researchers who tracked women's cell phone records found that...

Genital herpes in pregnancy
If you are pregnant and suffer from genital herpes, what are the risks? What do you need to be aware of when you have a herpes infection? Does genital herpes...

Best fertility clinics in the United States
Couples who need the help of modern medicine to get pregnant are of course interested in finding the best possible fertility clinic to treat them. If you are in the...

Exercises for c-section recovery
After you have undergone major abdominal surgery which is exactly what a cesarean section is exercising might well be something you dread, as well as something that is counter intuitive...

Insomnia due to uterine size
At the very end of pregnancy, your baby and uterus will have got so big that it will be difficult to move around. You will hardly be able to tie...

Losing your mucus plug
The mucus plug is a thick seal of mucus that keeps your cervix shut and prevents bacteria from entering the uterus during pregnancy. This mucus plug plays a role in...

Baby "dropping" into the pelvis
Sometime late in the third trimester, your baby will suddenly drop into your pelvis. This indicates that labor and birth are drawing near, and it is also called "engaging in...