How to start labor
If your due date has been and gone, and your doctor has started talking about labor induction, or you are worried that this will happen soon, you might well wonder...
Thrush treatment and prevention during pregnancy
Vaginal thrush, a fungal infection, is quite common during pregnancy. Most women have an increased amount of vaginal discharge when they are expecting a baby. Although thrush is characterized by...
What causes varicose veins in pregnancy?
Varicose veins are swollen and enlarged blood vessels. They can occur anywhere on the bottom half of the body, but most commonly affect the legs. There are a number of...
How to decide where to give birth
When deciding where to give birth, pregnant women and their partners take many factors into account. Labor and delivery are events over which, by definition, not much control can be...
Sperm washing for IUI - why is it done?
Intrauterine insemination, or IUI, is one of the most common and least invasive forms of assisted fertility. IUI involves inserting sperm into the uterus through the cervix with a catheter...
Should you have a repeat c-section?
Women who are pregnant again after a prior c-section face a difficult decision that other mothers do not should you have a repeat cesarean section (RCS) or aim to give...
What are uterine polyps?
Excessive growth of tissues in the lining of the uterine wall, medically referred to as the endometrium, can lead to uterine polyps. Polyps are growths originating from mucus membranes, usually...
Period lasting for two weeks?
For the average woman, a menstrual period lasts for five days. Periods can last longer or shorter without their being a medical problem, but what should you do if you...
The importance of staying hydrated in pregnancy
We often write about pregnancy signs, symptoms, and ailments at SteadyHealth. Whether we are writing about fatigue, nausea, or constipation, one recurring theme is the importance of staying hydrated drinking...
Best fertility clinics in California
Are you looking for a fertility clinic in California? Of course, you would like to make sure that you get the best possible care, and the best possible chance to...