Management of genital herpes in pregnancy
Genital herpes can be caused by either type one or type two of the herpes simplex virus. Because herpes can be extremely dangerous for newborns and can even be deadly...

IVF - how likely are you to get Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome?
Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome is a possible complication that can arise from taking certain fertility medications, and OHSS is particularly associated with IVF. If you are about to undergo IVF, you...

Dealing with newborn constipation
When your baby was just born, you might have been surprised at the number of times they pooped. A poopy diaper up to 12 times a day is perfectly normal...

Is it time to rethink what "full term pregnancy" means?
It is commonly said that pregnancy lasts nine months. When you talk to obstetricians and midwives, you will find out that they generally view a pregnancy to be at term...

Should you circumcise your baby son?
Should you circumcise your baby son? For lots of American new parents and expecting parents, this is a big question. As someone who has lived in Europe all my life...

How do I avoid spreading oral herpes to my newborn?
Oral herpes, more commonly known as cold sores, are a nasty thing most adults are all too familiar with. Cold sores can look really ugly, and they can hurt too...

Too much caffeine prevents pregnancy?
While most experts agree that it is OK for a pregnant woman to have that one morning cup of coffee, previous studies have already concluded that more than 200 mg...

What are good first solid foods for babies?
Starting solid foods with your baby is very exciting! But it can be hard to decide what foods to start with first, and when and the way in which to...

Caring for sick kids and dealing with sleep deprivation
No parent likes it when their children are sick, but teething, ear infections, and fevers are bound to happen. If you are up all night caring for a child, or...

Should you be worried about pain during breastfeeding?
Whether you have just given birth to your baby, or have an older infant and have been happily breastfeeding for a while, pain during breastfeeding is never a pleasant experience...