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Management of genital herpes in pregnancy

Management of genital herpes in pregnancy

Genital herpes can be caused by either type one or type two of the herpes simplex virus. Because herpes can be extremely dangerous for newborns and can even be deadly...

Dealing with newborn constipation

Dealing with newborn constipation

When your baby was just born, you might have been surprised at the number of times they pooped. A poopy diaper up to 12 times a day is perfectly normal...

Should you circumcise your baby son?

Should you circumcise your baby son?

Should you circumcise your baby son? For lots of American new parents and expecting parents, this is a big question. As someone who has lived in Europe all my life...

Too much caffeine prevents pregnancy?

Too much caffeine prevents pregnancy?

While most experts agree that it is OK for a pregnant woman to have that one morning cup of coffee, previous studies have already concluded that more than 200 mg...