Why routine ultrasounds are really useful
Most pregnant women will have at least one ultrasound during pregnancy and often, expecting mothers will have quite a few ultrasounds. Some feel better about avoiding them, and have concerns...
Breastfeeding difficulties: is donor milk an option for you?
The message that "breast is best" is all around, and major health organizations all recommend exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of a baby's life. But sometimes breastfeeding difficult...
Vitamins do not prevent preeclampsia - new study
Have you heard about the theory that taking high doses of the vitamins C and E during pregnancy could prevent the dangerous pregnancy complication preeclampsia?That would be great news, as...
NovaSure recovery
NovaSure endometrial ablation is an ablation technique designed to destroy the lining of your uterus, the endometrium. It is suitable for women who suffer from the overgrowth of this tissue...
Itchy abdomen in pregnancy - what could it be?
Are you pregnant and constantly struggling with an itchy abdomen? You are sure to be wondering what is causing this, and if there are any cures for this horrible itching...
How to choose an egg donor
How do you choose an egg donor? Couples who are struggling with infertility and have been informed that they will need egg donation in order to get pregnant and become...
When will you have the menopause?
Have you ever heard about the theory that the age a woman will hit the menopause is linked to the age her female relatives went through it? Well, there is...
Second trimester miscarriage causes
The reason many expectant parents wait until the first trimester is over to share their happy news with others is that the risk of miscarriage drastically reduces at the 12...
Symphysis pubis dysfunction (SPD) during pregnancy
Are you expecting a baby, and experiencing crippling pelvic pain especially in the latter half of your pregnancy? Do you have trouble walking, moving, getting up and down stairs, and...
When will your baby start sitting up?
Did you know that babies develop their muscle strength from the head up? After giving birth, you may not expect your baby to hold his head up independently immediately, but...