Coached pushing during labor - disadvantages
What is coached pushing? If you have ever seen a film or TC series in which a woman gave birth? The answer is probably yes, and you know what we're...
What can you expect from your baby's first diaper?
One thing some new parents may be a little anxious about is changing their baby's first diaper. You have probably heard about meconium, that sticky substance that lines a baby's...
What is an anterior placenta?
If you have been told you have an anterior placenta after an ultrasound, you may want to find more about what this means. A placenta can implant in any part...
How to get pregnant quickly after a miscarriage
Many women who have just suffered a miscarriage would like to resume their quest to become a parent as soon as possible. Recent research showed that conceiving soon after a...
Azoospermia and sperm delivery problems
Azoospermia is a male fertility problem that means there is no sperm at all present in the man's semen. Azoospermia can be caused by a wide variety of different things...
Can you give birth in the water in a hospital?
The practice of water birth has been gaining popularity in recent years. Water births are mainly associated with homebirths or birth centers, but the vast majority of pregnant women opt...
Removing ovaries with hysterectomy prevents ovarian cancer?
Hysterectomy, the surgical removal of a woman's uterus, is often a last resort for those who suffer from endometrial hyperplasia and the resulting heavy, painful and prolonged menstrual bleeding. It...
Should you agree to inducing labor?
Labor induction refers to the process of starting labor artificially. There are several good reasons for inducing labor preeclampsia, an unusually big baby at term, and being pregnant longer than...
Midwives inducing labor naturally?
Have you heard about midwives especially homebirth and traditional midwives inducing labor naturally, with herbs such as blue cohosh or castor oil? If you are planning to give birth with...
Natural labor induction
Has your doctor given your baby an "eviction date" and has told you that they recommend an induction with Pitocin or Cytotec? Have you gone over your due date, and...