What to expect from a cesarean section
Increasing numbers of women are undergoing cesarean sections to deliver their baby or babies. C-sections essentially come in two forms planned and scheduled cesareans (normally for medical reasons, but sometimes...
How much does labor really hurt?
How much does labor really hurt? This is without a doubt the million-dollar question many first time mothers ask themselves as the end of their pregnancy approaches, and D Day...
Three-parent IVF not approved in the UK
We wrote about the UK considering three-parent IVF treatment a while back. This revolutionary new medical procedure has become known as "three-parent IVF" because the resulting children would carry DNA...
Differences between adenomyosis and endometriosis
Adenomyosis and endometriosis are both gynecological conditions that involve the abnormal growth of the cells that normally line the inner part of the uterine wall. What are the differences between...
What to expect from ablation surgery
Endometrial ablation refers to the removal of the lining of the uterus (the endometrium) with a variety of different methods. This procedure is sometimes recommended to women who have endometrial...
How risky is getting pregnant after 45?
The general consensus is that getting pregnant in your twenties and early thirties is easier, and also that your nine months will be easier once you do conceive a baby...
Too much amniotic fluid - what now?
Amniotic fluid is what your baby swims around in during your pregnancy. It protects the baby from movement outside the womb, maintains his temperature, helps his lung development and keeps...
Do you need to be fit to have an easy birth?
To what extent does physical condition impact the progress of a woman's labor and birth? Does being fit equal a larger chance of an easy and quick birth and does...
How long will you need to stay in hospital after a c-section?
Are you pregnant and already know that you will have a cesarean section? Or do you want to know more about c-sections just in case? It is important to remember...
Common fears of moms who are expecting twins
If you have just found out that you are expecting not one baby, but two, you might feel overwhelmed and just a little (or a lot) scared, as well as...