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Surviving car journeys with an infant

Surviving car journeys with an infant

Car journeys, and particularly long trips, can be the stuff of nightmares for new parents and infants. Cars are obviously a big part in the life of many people, who...

Ways to get pregnant with twins

Ways to get pregnant with twins

Plenty of people are curious about how to get pregnant with twins. This is our tongue in cheek guide to making it happen. Remember that twin pregnancy carries its own...

Get pregnant fast after birth control

Get pregnant fast after birth control

Most couples who have decided that they want to get pregnant were previously on some form of birth control. Of course, you want to get pregnant fast. How does birth...

Labor augmentation with pitocin

Labor augmentation with pitocin

Pitocin, which is a synthetic form of the hormone oxytocin that plays an important role in labor and birth, is the most commonly used drug used to induce labor in...

Can you have an epidural at a birth center?

Can you have an epidural at a birth center?

Natural birth, mostly meaning unmedicated birth, is what women and midwives who work at a birth center are normally dedicated to. Still, there are many reasons to want to choose...