Thrush symptoms in babies
Thrush is a fungal infection caused by Candida Albicans. While thrush is harmless, it can be annoying and painful. How will you know whether your baby has thrush? What are...

Can you have a miscarriage without symptoms?
Miscarriage is spontaneous pregnancy loss in the first 20 weeks of a pregnancy, although the majority of miscarriages occurs in the first 13 weeks. Among the more common miscarriage symptoms...

Smoking for an easier birth? Don't do it!
There is a lot of evidence that smoking during pregnancy can cause a whole host of problems. Yet, there are still mothers who continue to light up throughout their pregnancies...

Vitamin A during pregnancy
There is a whole host of vitamins and minerals that play a role in helping your baby to develop and grow throughout pregnancy. All those vitamins can be quite confusing...

Questions to ask at your first prenatal appointment
At your first prenatal appointment, it is clear that your OBGYN or midwife will be asking a lot of questions, like when you had your last period and what your...

Pregnancy symptoms gone - will you have a miscarriage?
Pregnancy signs such as morning sickness, fatigue, abdominal bloating and more frequent urination during the first trimester can be hard. Yet, when these symptoms go away, many pregnant women immediately...

How to get through hot summer days with small children?
We are experiencing the hottest day of the year so far where we live, and while we spent most of the year looking forward to the summer heat... I have...

Do you need prenatal care to find out your due date?
Once you have watched that pregnancy test turn positive, you are probably most curious about knowing when your baby is likely to arrive. Most women do not start prenatal care...

Miscarriage symptoms during early pregnancy
Miscarriages are the most common kind of pregnancy loss, and they refer to the spontaneous loss of a baby under 20 weeks of pregnancy. According to studies into the frequency...

Reasons to induce labor
Labor induction refers to the process of starting labor contractions artificially. There is a multitude of methods to induce, from relatively non-invasive methods like stripping a woman's membranes to rupturing...