Ways to celebrate pregnancy
Are you newly pregnant? Of course, you want to celebrate your happy news in a special way. Here is a list of fun things you can do by yourself of...

Prenatal care - when will you have an ultrasound?
One of the aspects of prenatal care that most expectant parents most look forward to is getting an ultrasound. So, when you just find out that you have a little...

What is thrush?
Thrush is a fungal infection caused by Candida Albicans. This fungus is no stranger to the human body but is normally kept in check by so-called friendly bacteria. If you...

Prenatal care - things to bring to your first appointment
Women who have just started noticing pregnancy signs or had a positive pregnancy test do not have to call a doctor or midwife for prenatal care right away, but the...

Early pregnancy: when should you make a prenatal appointment?
What are the things that are on the minds of newly pregnant women? Besides getting to the bathroom to vomit in time, trying to muster enough energy to get through...

How to get pregnant with irregular cycles
Many women have irregular menstrual cycles. If you have cycles that are longer, shorter, or unpredictable, you may have some concerns about how to get pregnant. Irregular periods are something...

Pregnant? Don't eat for two!
"Eating for two" is a euphemism for pregnancy to some, just like "with child", "knocked up", "a bun in the oven" and many others. Most women know now that it...

How to prepare for the birth of twins
Mothers who are carrying twins may be worrying about preparations for when the babies get there more than about the birth but twin delivery is more complicated than singleton delivery...

Tips for babywearing during the summer
Baby carriers are a wonderful, practical way to get your baby around. They are especially practical in situations where it is very hard or simply impossible to use a stroller...

Hair changes during pregnancy
Pregnant women will notice their bodies going through a lot of changes mostly caused by hormones and hair is not an exception. You may notice that your hair looks more...