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What are dangers of viral infections

What are dangers of viral infections

Viruses are widely known as harmful microorganisms which can cause quite severe health issues once they infect our body. Therefore, we are always advised to eat healthy food and live...

Warfarin: Blood thinner medication

Warfarin: Blood thinner medication

Warfarin is a medication which belongsto the class of drugs called anticoagulants or blood thinners. Thus,warfarin is used for prevention and treatment of health problemsrelated to blood-clotting. However, like many...

Acid reflux home remedy that scores results

Acid reflux home remedy that scores results

Acid refluxThe lower esophageal sphincter is a muscle placed at the entrance of the stomach, and it closes when the food passes through it. However, if this muscle does not...

Benign gastric tumors

Benign gastric tumors

Benign lesions of the gastric wall are also known as benign gastric tumors. These non-malignant growths are easily seen with the assistance of modern techniques and gastric endoscopy. If needed...

Epilepsy care facts

Epilepsy care facts

Epilepsy is considered one of the most complex neurological disorders which require constant care and monitoring. Patients may be taking anti-epileptic drugs but in some of them seizures tend to...

Dry skin mask

Dry skin mask

Dry skin is very common. for some people, it is their natural skin type and they frequently have problems with dryness, flaking and irritation. For others, dry skin results from...

Basic problems with vision impairment

Basic problems with vision impairment

Problem with Vision ImpairmentThe eye is one of the most sophisticated systems known toman. The camera mimics the way it works, as it has the iris which is in chargeof...

Cold sore immunity - be free of cold sores

Cold sore immunity - be free of cold sores

The human body is constantly exposed to manymicrobes and environmental pollutants that can seriously impair its health. However,the body has it natural defense system, which is called the immune system...

Esophageal cancer surgery

Esophageal cancer surgery

The esophagus is a tube-like gastrointestinal organ located in the chest cavity. It starts from the throat (the pharynx) and is further connected with the stomach. The esophagus is mostly...

About epilepsy complications

About epilepsy complications

Epilepsy is a long-term neurological disorder characterized by abnormal contractions of different muscles or the entire body due to inadequate transmission of electrical impulses in the brain. Symptoms of epilepsy...