Life with seizures: Management plan for epilepsy
Overview of EpilepsyEpilepsy is a neurological disorder that produces repeated seizures or fits. In most cases epilepsy starts in childhood but it is not uncommon to develop it at a...

Eye muscles repair with surgery
Surgery to repair eye musclesThe eye muscle repair is a certain type of surgical intervention which is performed in order to get rid of all different problems which cause the...

Encephalitis by mosquitoes
Viral encephalitis represents inflammation of the brain tissue caused by the presence of certain viruses and reaction of the immune system to these infective agents. There are many viruses capable...

Dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa
Dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa is a rare skin disorder and represents only one type of epidermolysis bullosa spectrum of conditions. In patients suffering from this skin condition the skin is too...

Dry skin leads to wrinkles
There are a lot of skin conditions that people may end up suffering from. A skin that becomes dry has a lot more chance of prematurely aging. People should know...

Herpetic eye disease
The family of herpes viruses contains different types of viruses that cause different diseases. Two of the viruses in that family can cause eye infections. Others cause different diseases, such...

Epidermolysis bullosa genetic cause
Epidermolysis bullosa can be subdivided into four categories. These categories are known respectively as dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa, epidermolysis bullosa simplex, hemidesmosomal epidermolysis bullosa, and junctional epidermolysis bullosa. There is, however...

How to prevent eye infections?
Eye infections are pretty common and a lot of people suffer from at least one type during his or her life. People need to know that eye infections can be...

Dry skin leads to acne
Contrary to popular belief, not only people with oily skin are prone to developing acne. Rather, those of us who suffer from excessively dry skin may have the same problem...

Eye disease and HIV
There are many eye conditions which affect patients suffering from HIV. Some of them remain localized to the anterior segment of the eye, while others affect the posterior part of...