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Different methods of modern orthodontics

Different methods of modern orthodontics

Orthodontics is a certain type of study in dentistry whichdeals with malocclusions. Malocclusion is the medical term for improper biteswhich is in most cases triggered by disproportionate jaw relationships andtooth...

Epilepsy behavior problems

Epilepsy behavior problems

It is confirmed that epilepsy may cause certain behavior changes in the affected individual. In the majority of cases behavioral changes are closely related to poorly controlled seizures as well...

Dry skin lotion

Dry skin lotion

Dry skinThere are a lot of people who suffer from dry skin. There are many causes that lead to dry skin but the main reason why the skin becomes dry...

What is herpes encephalitis?

What is herpes encephalitis?

Herpes encephalitis, inflammation of the brain caused by Herpes simplex virus, is not so common medical condition. Still, it accounts for 10% of all cases of encephalitis. Transmission of the...

Measles vaccination in children and adults

Measles vaccination in children and adults

There is almost not a person in the world who has never heard of measles. Measles is a pretty common health condition and it can affect every person but children...

Nystagmus - Involuntary movement of the eyes

Nystagmus - Involuntary movement of the eyes

If you have been diagnosed with nystagmus, you might be confused by the name and the symptoms behind the condition. However, you have probably sought medical assistance due to the...

Sinus surgery: Nasal sinus polyps

Sinus surgery: Nasal sinus polyps

What are Nasal Polyps?Nasal polyps are benign growths affecting the surface of the nasal cavity or the sinuses. These tumors may be of different size and color (yellowish, green or...

Dry skin lotion for baby

Dry skin lotion for baby

There are a lot of causes that lead to dry skin. People need to understand that babies and young children can suffer from dry skin just the same as adults...

Every woman should know these cancer symptoms!

Every woman should know these cancer symptoms!

Whenever you are suffering from some serious disease like cancer, your body shows certain symptoms even in the earliest stages of the disease. Thus, symptoms of such diseases are not...

Fluorescein angiography - definition

Fluorescein angiography - definition

Fluorescein angiography is a diagnostic eye exam which investigates the conditions affecting blood vessels/blood flow of the retina and choroid. These two layers at the back of the eye are...