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Acid reflux

The lower esophageal sphincter is a muscle placed at the entrance of the stomach, and it closes when the food passes through it. However, if this muscle does not close properly or if it opens too often that it is normal than the acid from the stomach may go up to the esophagus. When this happens, the person experiences heartburn and several other symptoms. If this condition appears more than two times a week, then the person suffers from the condition called gastroesophageal reflux disease or just acid reflux.

Acid reflux can be caused due to various reasons, such as hiatal hernia, obesity, overeating and poor eating habits. The consummation of certain types of food and drinking certain beverages, as well as the taking certain medicines and smoking, are also some of the causes for the occurrence of gastroesophageal reflux disease.

Home remedies for acid reflux

It is very important to know that acid reflux disease is a very complex issue and that home remedies may significantly alleviate the symptoms of this disease, but they are not cures for it. Nevertheless, it has been proven that home remedies are very powerful in treating acid reflux if they are used in right doses and in proper time.

For treating acid reflux the best treatment is the holistic treatment since the whole body is employed and not only the digestive tract. Furthermore, when it comes to the holistic treatment, the underlying cause is treated and not only the symptoms of the acid reflux. What is more, the holistic treatment has no adverse effects and it can only restore the health of the body since it offers various natural cures that are proven to be very beneficial.

There are certain foods that are very difficult for digestion and therefore, it is recommended either to avoid those foods or to eat in small quantities but frequently. Furthermore, many experts recommend taking apple cider vinegar. Two spoons of this vinegar should be mixed with water and two spoons of honey, or just with water. Alcohol and coffee, as well as chocolate and soda, should be avoided when suffering from this disease, since these products just aggravate the condition. The people who have problems with this condition should stop smoking and have a good sleep every night in order to alleviate the symptoms of this disease. Those people who stick to the mentioned home remedies and holistic treatment will successfully get rid of acid reflux.

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