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The human body is constantly exposed to manymicrobes and environmental pollutants that can seriously impair its health. However,the body has it natural defense system, which is called the immune system and which defends the body from the foreign objects that enter the organism. Therefore, weshould do whatever we can to boost our immune system and make it very strong, sothat it is able to preserve out health.

Cold sores and the immune system

However, when herpes simplex virus reaches our body,it stays there forever. It may stay dormant and never be activated, but whenit is triggered, it can cause the outbreak of cold sores. Thus, if we areinfected by herpes simplex virus, we should pay attention to our immune systemsince when it is weakened, it triggers the virus and cold sores appear.

Since the immune system uses vitamins and minerals tocreate the antibodies whose prime role is to kill the foreign bodies, it isimportant to consume sufficient amounts of vitamins and minerals every day. It can be said that our body is full of different microbes, but they are dormant since our immune system makes them to be inactive. The virus that is responsible for the outbreak ofcold sores is herpes simplex virus. There are even eight herpes simplex viruses which are known, but only two of them cause cold sores either in the oralcavity and mouth, or in the genital area. These viruses dwell in the nerve cells, waiting the suitable time and conditions to start to multiple themselves. Yes, it canbe said that the virus that cause cold sores are actually the parasites sincethey require a host to survive. The best way to prevent the occurrence of cold soresis to build the immune system so strong that the virus cannot overproduceitself.

Recommended defense

Many viral infections can be treated with the aid ofa vaccine which does not eliminate the virus, but which helps the immune system tofight against it. When the cold sores are in question, a vaccine is not necessarysince the immune system can fight the virus alone but only with the sufficient amountsof vitamins and minerals. Therefore, a healthy diet is essential when wewant to boost our immune system; there are many foods high in the essentialnutrients, but fruits and vegetables are indispensable. Vitamin and mineral supplementationshould be used in preventing the incidence of cold sores.

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