Esophageal cancer by age
Esophagus is a 10 inch muscular tube that is a part of digestive system. Food and liquid enter the mouth, go down the throat, through the esophagus and enter the...

Epilepsy - How to help
Most people suffering from epilepsy face their first seizures before they turn 20. These are basically children who have huge difficulty adapting to their condition, admitting they are ill and...

Dry skin on my nose
There are a lot of places on the skin a person can be affected by dry skin. The hands and legs are commonly affected and do not cause a lot...

Eye disease - Herpes simplex
Herpes simplex virus is an infectious agent capable of causing a variety of infections in humans. For instance, it is a culprit of oral herpes, genital herpes and may even...

What is paget's disease of bone
Paget's disease is a term used for several illnesses, one of them being a chronic condition affecting bones. The exact cause of Paget's disease has not been identified yet although...

Esophageal cancer by radiation therapy
The majority of cases of esophageal cancer are treated surgically or with the assistance of radiation therapy and chemotherapy. Even the combination of these treatment modalities is an option. Depending...

Epilepsy - How it affects the brain
Epilepsy is a chronic disorder of the brain (the central nervous system), characterized by seizures. In all patients suffering from this neurological disorder there is hyper-synchronized or excessive activity of...

Dry skin on my feet
Dry feet are a very common problem and most people are bothered by it, especially during summer. Feet are particularly prone to dryness and rough, cracked skin because the skin...

Foot injuries and disorders
Foot is a very complex part of the human body, and also a very important one. Its function is vital for normal everyday life and even a minor glitch in...

Esophageal cancer in family history
Esophageal cancer is the type of cancer that develops in the tissues of the esophagus. Esophagus is a tube-like organ that connects the throat to the stomach and its main...