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Chronic guttate psoriasis

Chronic guttate psoriasis

Psoriasis is a common skin condition affecting different parts of the skin which become red and inflamed. Majority of people suffering from psoriasis have certain parts of the skin covered...

Dermatitis from chlorine

Dermatitis from chlorine

Chlorine rash can lead to skin irritation, redness and itching. The rash occurs as a result of the exposure of the skin to large amounts of chlorine. This chemical is...

What is Influenza?

What is Influenza?

Influenza (also known as flu) is an infectious disease affecting people of all ages and individuals all over the world. The infection is caused by RNA virus, a member of...

Fever blisters signs and symptoms

Fever blisters signs and symptoms

If you notice skin lesions or blisters around your lips you probably have herpes infection and thus developed cold sores (some call these fever blisters). The most common location of...

About bloom–torre–machacek syndrome

About bloom–torre–machacek syndrome

Bloom-Torre-Machacek syndrome or simply Bloom’s syndrome is a certain rare medical condition which is classified as an autosomal recessive chromosomal one. The person affected by this medical condition suffers from...

Different symptoms of toxic shock syndrome

Different symptoms of toxic shock syndrome

Toxic shock syndrome is a potentially deadly condition, taking place due to one's exposure to several different types of bacterial toxins, depending on the type of infection which provokes it...

Dry skin: Can pregnancy cause dry skin

Dry skin: Can pregnancy cause dry skin

Dry skin is a common condition whichcan affect you during your pregnancy. Basically, this state ofaffairs is triggered by hormonal fluctuations which are commonfor pregnancy, affecting the elasticity of one's...

Chronic gum bleeding

Chronic gum bleeding

Even though bleeding from the gums is not considered to be a serious condition in a majority of cases, it can be a symptom of something far more severe. Usually...

How to deal with Epilepsy in pregnancy

How to deal with Epilepsy in pregnancy

Epilepsy is a rather frequent medical condition, most commonly diagnosed during childhood. Still, even though in the majority of patients epilepsy begins before they turn 20, the condition can also...