Even though bleeding from the gums is not considered to be a serious condition in a majority of cases, it can be a symptom of something far more severe. Usually, bleeding from the gums is triggered by lack of proper dental hygiene and over accumulation of dental plaque at the gum line, leading to an inflammation called gingivitis.
Common Causes of Bleeding Gums
Even though poor dental hygiene and plaque accumulation are the main culprits behind this problem, several other conditions and factors may be responsible too. Therefore, gingivitis and periodontitis are the two most common gum diseases which may lead to bleeding in the area.
Also, some medications including chemotherapy drugs, immunosuppressants and anticoagulants may do the same. Hemophilia can result in this phenomenon, along with violent brushing, hormonal changes during pregnancy, ill-fitting dentures, vitamin C and K deficiency, leukemia and bleeding disorders.
Other Causes of Gum Bleeding
Some of the worst case scenarios, when it comes to gum bleeding is leukemia as well as coagulation and platelet disorders. As far as these conditions are concerned, bleeding is known to be present in other parts of the body too. When bleeding gums are neglected, the condition may evolve into a disease called periodontitis, being a condition affecting the jaw bone along with the gums.
Sometimes, gum bleeding may stem from vitamin deficiencies or side-effects of certain medications the sufferer may be taking, especially in case when the affected individual is using blood thinners.
All in all, if you are experiencing any of the bleeding gums symptoms, accompanied by fever, breathing difficulties, swallowing problems or some other signs of this type, seek medical assistance as soon as possible.
Symptoms of Gum Bleeding
In some cases, bleeding gums do not appear on their own, but, rather, come hand-in-hand with other symptoms. These can be bad breath, bright red discoloration of the gums, tenderness affecting the area, mouth sores or ulcers and receding or swelling gums.
Also, bone and joint pain and tenderness may appear once your gums start to bleed and you might notice than you bruise more easily. You might suffer from fever and may lose appetite along with the body weight. Furthermore, menstrual abnormalities, excessive sweating during the night, bleeding from the nose or the skin, paleness, appearance of rashes, swelling of glands in the neck, groin and armpit area and an overall sensation of tiredness and lack of strength, all might affect you once your gums are bleeding.
If bleeding occurs somewhere else in your body too, or you faint, lose teeth or suffer from a high body temperature, seek medical attention immediately since something serious may be triggering your symptoms.
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