Prevention of nausea
Vomiting and nausea are themselves not illnesses, but complications and complaints related to a variety of conditions. Dehydration can occur as a result of vomiting or nausea, especially with regard...

Epilepsy natural treatment
There are a lot of people who suffer from epilepsy all over the world. Nowadays, there are a lot more possible treatments than there were some years ago and that...

Basic facts about fever blisters
Fever blisters and crank soresA lot of people make the mistake and mix fever blisters or cold sores with canker sores. However, that is wrong and people should not mix...

Horrible eye disease leading to blindness
Our eyes are some of the most sensitiveof all the organs we have in our body. Therefore, we must be carefulnot to expose them to factors which might lead to...

Prevention of gout
Gout is a peculiar medical condition responsible for sudden and severe attacks of inflammation of certain joints. This inflammation is accompanied by redness of the inflamed area, pain and reduced...

Chronic gout treatment
About goutGout is a disease that results from too much uric acid in the body or hyperuricemia. When there is too much uric acid, it starts to crystallize in the...

Contact dermatitis duration
Contact dermatitis is a type of skin condition that results from direct contact with substances that are, for some reason, irritant for the skin. Those substances may be natural, for...

Epilepsy - Neurological disorder
Epilepsy is quite common neurological disorder affecting some 50 millions of people all over the world. Even though this problem is more likely to be diagnosed in developing countries, many...

Dry skin face wash
Dry skin is a common problem and there are a lot of people who suffer from it. The most common parts of the body that are affected by dry skin...

Risks and limitations of genetic testing
Genetic testing is the latest form of screening for potential genetic disorders by examining the DNA particles directly. There are many types of problems for which genetic testing is used...